
All movie clips and trailers are embedded from YouTube.

The 24/7 music video station is a service provided to us by a website that allows you to add any video from YouTube to a looping stream. We currently use viloud, who then use YouTube to grab videos.

We are not associated/affiliated/endorsed by/with any of the film companies/labels/actors/directors or music companies/labels etc listed on this website.

We are an independant website that displays information about actors and movies, as well as trailers, which can all be found on the internet. The idea behind this website is to make it easy to find this information, and all in one place.

This website is for information and reference purposes only.

This website does NOT host any copyrighted content, nor provide links to any downloadble or streamable copyrighted content.

If there are any videos or streams on here, they are all pulled directly from YouTube.


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We are NOT endorsed, owned or operated in any way shape or form with Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com.

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This website is for reference only.


We are NOT responsible for incorrect or false information generated on movieclip.co.uk.

We will, however try our best to correct any inaccurate information on here or at a request of the actor, agent, film or tv production companny or whoever is representing them.

Also we are NOT responsible for any financial loss you or your company may have as a result of relying on information displayed here on movieclip.co.uk.


You are welcome to have your profile on movieclip.co.uk deleted at any time.

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